Friday, June 12, 2009


Jacob was up before Lee left this morning...which is rare. Jacob had some chocolate milk (choc moo) in a sippy cup and we were laying on the bed watching Lee walk around and get ready. I should mention here that I just changed the sheets on the bed yesterday and put the white sheets on the bed. I had been telling Jacob repeatedly to be careful with his moo. He was doing really well.....until Daddy came over to kiss him goodbye, and turned him over on his back spilling 6 or 7 drops of choc moo all over the white sheets. The last thing I wanted to do was change the sheets, again, so I went to get the Tide pen. Jacob was very upset because he wanted to "color" too. We finally came to the agreement that we could get his colors and we would color. Jacob had something different in mind. After we got the colors he said he wanted to color in bed...which is not I sat him up on the bed with his colors. It never even clicked in my brain that he didn't want to color IN the bed...he wanted to color ON the bed! JUST LIKE MAMA! Luckily he didn't press hard enough to make a mark before I scooped him off of the bed and put an end to "coloring" for the morning! He really watches everything we do.