Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Old Orange Rides Again!

It's probably been 20-25 years since this old sled has had the pleasure of carrying precious cargo. I can remember my Dad pulling my brother and me all over the yard in that thing. I loved it. I was so excited to see my children enjoy it too. So what if it only has one of the four original handles left.......it still works just fine!

Adam kept losing his mittens, shoes, etc.

We had soooooooo much fun! Jacob was soaked down to his underwear and was still crying when we told him it was time to go inside. I told him if his butt got too cold they'd have to cut it off and there wasn't enough of it to go cutting any off.

Pure Joy

On our way to the hill

Monday, February 7, 2011

That's Why I'm the Brain

Lee and I were having a discussion yesterday...the topic escapes me now....but he made this comment in jest: "That's why I'm the head of the house." So I told him, "If you're the head I'm the brain." He argued that the brain is the head, but my argument was that the brain is inside the head and ultimately tells the head what to do. He continued to argue.