Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy Birthday, Adam!!!!

B-Ah is one!!!!
Adam is one today, and hard at work sweeping the kitchen floor. He still LOVES his Nuk but I'm working on a game plan to slowly get him away from it. He usually only uses it in the bed, but if he happens to find one laying around it goes straight into the mouth. Sometimes if he can't find one lying about he'll go into his bedroom and reach through the slats of his crib to get one. He will soon be bigger than Jacob, and take his revenge for toy stealing. This revenge, I'm sorry to admit, is somewhat deserved :(
I can't believe our miracle baby is a year old. I keep thinking about the day I saw those two blue lines and wondered if I had picked up some sort of weird pregnancy test. We are so blessed to be his parents and so grateful that our Heavenly Father sent him to us!


me said...

My youngest two like their thumbs... they always seem to find those laying around.

I also laughed when I read you wondered if you bought a weird pregnancy test because it said you were pregnant.