Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vacation....Friend or Foe

Vacation....a week at Panama City Beach, Florida. We learned a few things during this week.

#1 Lee does not like the sand-
By about the third day we were there Lee was done with the beach. He says that he doesn't like being covered in sand and doesn't enjoy sitting around on the beach all day.

#2 Vacation is all about sleeping in and eating-
We were lucky enough to be on vacation with family. LOTS of family. We were never at a loss for babysitters! Jacob would go over to Nana and Papa's room at night and play and then fall asleep while someone read him a book. Then Lee would go and get him (at his leisure) and bring him back to our room. Since Jacob was up so late he would sleep in til sometime between 9 and 10 a.m. This scenario made for happy parents!!

#3 Pooby is at home wherever Jacob puts him. He was unable to go to the beach with us...for various reasons...but I never heard him complain. He was happy to spend his days waiting patiently in the room until it was time for bed.
#4 Last but not least...sharks can smell me from a mile away. For those of you who don't know, I have a shark phobia. I can not be in a swimming pool by myself. I start to see things and panic. I have a very vivid and overactive imagination. So imagine me at the beach! On Thursday of our vacation Lee drug me out into the murky water. Once we hit a spot that was waist deep I began to panic and quickly removed myself from the water. On Friday the water was crystal clear. It really was beautiful. I wanted to play in the water so I let Lee talk me into going out a bit further. We were going to walk out to the waist-deep water then swim over a spot where we wouldn't be able to touch the bottom...and then we would be able to stand again. Since the water was clear I felt a little bit better about it. When we reached the first waist-deep water I began to panic somewhat, so we just played for a bit and I tried not to cry. Then Lee's dad..who was standing with Jacob at the water's edge...called to me and motioned for me to come out. I assumed Jacob needed/wanted me. I began to walk out of the water when I noticed him mouth the word "shark" to Lee and point. The only thing I could see in my mind was a great white shark, jaws open, ready to rip me to pieces. I was sure he was right behind me. So...I couldn't move fast enough. Running in water is not easy...or perhaps my legs failed me. I fell to my knees....remember, I'm 6 months pregnant.....and crawled at lightning speed, until I was out of the water. I grabbed Jacob and ran to our tent. I remember seeing other swimmers gingerly stepping from the water, as if someone had told them that there was a kitten in the water. It was only then that I wondered about the safety of my husband!! I felt so awful that my gut reaction wasn't to save my one true love, but to flee to safety as quickly as possible. What is wrong with me??
After a mild anxiety attack, we returned to our room......never to set foot on the beach again :)
Well, not for the rest of our time there. I'm sure I'll go back to the beach again...but I doubt I will be getting in the water!!
I guess I should mention that it wasn't a great white. I never even saw the shark. I was told that it was about 5 ft long. To my knowledge, no one was hurt.


Christina said...

It sounds like you had a fun and eventful vacation. The shark part would've freaked me out too. I can't believe it! Glad you survived. When are you coming to Texas?