Monday, July 13, 2009

Where are my ankles??

I never had trouble with swelling when I was pregnant with Jacob. Up until now the only time my ankles and feet have swollen with this pregnancy was during a long car ride. Today my ankles are officially MIA. I miss them. If you see them, please ask them to come back.

We also just got back from vacation. I was going to post the 4 pictures that I took from the entire week we were gone....but we left our camera at Lee's parents' house. So...give me a couple of weeks and I'll get back in to the swing of things. Maybe I left my ankles there too?? I'm quite possibly missing a bit of my brain too.


me said...

You're alive! Okay, I am paranoid... as long as it is only your ankles, I am okay but any swelling in your face or hands you better get checked! As soon as I read the word swelling, my head started pounding thinking about preclampsia. You are fine though. Just ignore your crazed friend!

Our brains must be on vacation together. I bet they are having fun talking about us! I was frantically searching for my cellphone the other day... I was talking on it. Only took me 5 minutes of searching to figure that out.