Sunday, October 11, 2009

So far, so good

This is Adam's fourth day in the world. So far he has been a very cooperative baby! He is eating and sleeping well...even through the roaring of our resident lion. Jacob is in love with his baby. He wants to know what Baby Ah is doing all of the time. He is eager to touch his little brother and make sure that they have all the same things...eyes, nose, fingers, toes. It is only our second day home, but there has been no jealousy thus far (knock on wood). I would have to say that my biggest problem at the moment is trying to find a new name for the blog. Obviously Jacob's Journey is not the most appropriate title anymore. I am open to suggestions!

Jacob was so excited to hold his little brother!!
Adam looks exactly like Jacob looks like Jacob is holding a little replica of himself.
Adam and Jacob's first video together!


Stephanie said...

Ohhh, He's so cute! Jacob looks so cute/ proud holding him! Congrats guys!

New name...ok.

Let's see, there's:

Koelz Korner
A and J's Journey
or just A.J.'s Journey
The Koelz Klub
Koelz Klan
Koelz Kids
What a Journey!
HELP! I'm Outnumbered!!!!

LOL just kidding about that last one. Hope you figure out something. Good Luck! Your boys are beautiful!

Christina said...

He's beautiful! Congratulations Katie!