Saturday, January 30, 2010


We got quite a bit of precipitation yesterday. And more last night. Jacob couldn't wait to play in the snow. "I need go outside and play in the snow!" So we bundled up the kids and stepped outside. Frigid. Lee took Adam back inside after a few minutes but I volunteered to stay outside and help Jacob build a snowman. But alas, you need snow for a snowman. We have ice. I continually asked Jacob if he wanted to go inside and have hot chocolate and he answered each time, "I want to stay outside and play in the snow!" I would then reply, "But it's not snow, it's ice!" He finally got some on his nose and then decided that it was too cold. He then agreed with me. "It's ice!"

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Guys

My Bluejacket and his boys

Adam with Buzz Lightyear
Kickin' it on the couch

Here's some footage of the boys. Adam is getting used to Jacob. The look of terror in his eyes is slowly fading. Adam will be 4 months old the 7th of next month and Jacob will be 3 on the 16th.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank you, Captain Obvious

"You look tired."

Yes, I'm tired. I have a two year old that doesn't nap and a 3 month old. I'm EXHAUSTED!!

When you see someone who looks tired and weary, don't tell them what they already's depressing. Instead tell them they look beautiful, or offer to babysit. Or don't say anything at all.

Bluejacket of the Quarter

Funny story......
Lee and I dated in high school. Our first two dates were going to my Homecoming dance and to his. At my high school we dressed up for Homecoming. I assumed it was the same for his, and he didn't say otherwise. So I showed up at his dance all dolled up in a skirt and heels. Everyone else was in jeans. Now, since my dance was first, I assumed he would have said something like, "we don't dress up for our dance", or something similar to that.

So you're asking, "what does this have to do with Bluejacket of the Quarter?"

Lee just received the award of Bluejacket of the Quarter. He didn't make a big deal out of it. He told me last night that there was a ceremony today and that I could come with the kids if I wanted to. Well, of course I wanted to come....I'm very proud of him. I asked a lot of questions about dress and such and received little answers...except for isn't Sunday dress and the ceremony is in the biggest building on base. So I thought.... If it's in the biggest building on base it must be in a huge auditorium where I will not be noticed and no one will know who I am. And if it's not Sunday dress it must not be a big deal.

It is in the biggest building on base.....which is composed of many many many small rooms. This is an intimate ceremony where the Admiral comes and hands out the rewards to a few people. And you will be taking a picture with me, in my dress blues, with the front of everyone there! This would have been a better way to explain it to me. Did I put on makeup today? No. Did I take a shower today? No. Yesterday? NO. I did manage, however, to pluck my eyebrows this morning....yay.

I LOVE my husband very very much. He's just not good at giving particulars :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beware of cavities.....

....because this is 2 minutes of pure sweetness!

It Pays to Potty

Jacob has a potty chart.....

When he does go potty, which isn't often, he gets to put a mark on the potty chart. Then, according to the chart, he either gets a sticker, candy, or a toy. Most of the spots are stickers, a few candies, and about every 15 spots or so there is a toy. He put his pee pee in the potty last night before bed and it happened to be on the toy spot. When we went to the store today, I let him pick out a cheap toy. Well, he ended up with two toys. He saw the cowboy hat and the sword and I couldn't deny him either one. So you are thinking, "Katie, you spoil him." Yes. They were cheap toys that made him smile from ear to ear. He's my baby :) I couldn't help myself.


Minestrone with tortellini - YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Split pea- I don't recommend even coming within 20 feet of this soup. It tastes as bad as it looks and smells. Now the rubber gasket of my pressure cooker stinks :(

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brass Pigs

There are a few things that are off limits to little hands in our house. One of these things is a set of brass pigs. Jacob naturally wants to play with them because they are small and look like toys. Today, as I went to put Adam down for a nap, I noticed this chair in front of the bookcase. I wondered why in the world the chair was in front of the bookcase. Of course.....the brass pigs. They had been neatly rearranged so that the piglets were following the mother pig. When Jacob saw me posting these pictures he said proudly, "I moved the pigs!"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Over the past year and a half I've become good friends with the girl that cuts my hair. When we first met we discovered that our kids were only 2 months apart in age and we were both trying to get pregnant. Yesterday she and her little girl, Addie, came over to play. See the red hair?? It fits her personality. It was like having another little boy over to play!! That is, until it was time to leave. Jacob was chasing her and saying, " better hug me." She finally let him catch her and then she gave him a kiss on the cheek!!!! She took my sugar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How dare she? How dare she.

Friday, January 8, 2010

3 months

Adam turned 3 months old yesterday! He was enjoying some tummy time and trying very hard to reach his duck.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Tonight Jacob was playing with a train that I bought him when he was about 5 months old. I think it's the first time he's taken an interest in it. He was pulling it around through the kitchen, hallway, living room and back through the kitchen....over and over circles. The whole time chanting, "yes, you can...yes, you can...yes, you can." Close enough :)

Also tonight, Adam was napping...on his tummy. As usual, he woke up 30 minutes into his nap and began crying. Lee went in and tried to calm him by patting him on the back, but it didn't work. So we were letting him cry for a bit and keeping an eye on him with the baby monitor, to make sure he didn't scoot over and get tangled in the bars of the crib (one of our new challenges). I was watching him and all of a sudden......whoops!.....there he goes....from his belly to his back. Boy, was he upset...but I was proud of him :)