Thursday, January 21, 2010

It Pays to Potty

Jacob has a potty chart.....

When he does go potty, which isn't often, he gets to put a mark on the potty chart. Then, according to the chart, he either gets a sticker, candy, or a toy. Most of the spots are stickers, a few candies, and about every 15 spots or so there is a toy. He put his pee pee in the potty last night before bed and it happened to be on the toy spot. When we went to the store today, I let him pick out a cheap toy. Well, he ended up with two toys. He saw the cowboy hat and the sword and I couldn't deny him either one. So you are thinking, "Katie, you spoil him." Yes. They were cheap toys that made him smile from ear to ear. He's my baby :) I couldn't help myself.