Friday, January 22, 2010

Bluejacket of the Quarter

Funny story......
Lee and I dated in high school. Our first two dates were going to my Homecoming dance and to his. At my high school we dressed up for Homecoming. I assumed it was the same for his, and he didn't say otherwise. So I showed up at his dance all dolled up in a skirt and heels. Everyone else was in jeans. Now, since my dance was first, I assumed he would have said something like, "we don't dress up for our dance", or something similar to that.

So you're asking, "what does this have to do with Bluejacket of the Quarter?"

Lee just received the award of Bluejacket of the Quarter. He didn't make a big deal out of it. He told me last night that there was a ceremony today and that I could come with the kids if I wanted to. Well, of course I wanted to come....I'm very proud of him. I asked a lot of questions about dress and such and received little answers...except for isn't Sunday dress and the ceremony is in the biggest building on base. So I thought.... If it's in the biggest building on base it must be in a huge auditorium where I will not be noticed and no one will know who I am. And if it's not Sunday dress it must not be a big deal.

It is in the biggest building on base.....which is composed of many many many small rooms. This is an intimate ceremony where the Admiral comes and hands out the rewards to a few people. And you will be taking a picture with me, in my dress blues, with the front of everyone there! This would have been a better way to explain it to me. Did I put on makeup today? No. Did I take a shower today? No. Yesterday? NO. I did manage, however, to pluck my eyebrows this morning....yay.

I LOVE my husband very very much. He's just not good at giving particulars :)


Stephanie said...

LOL That is so stinking funny! I mean...if it had been me, I would have been totally peeved, or I would have pretended like I had walked into the wrong room and walked right back out. DANG! Well, a least you have two beautiful kids that took some of the attention off of you. I'm thinking you need to find yourself a more reliable source for information, like another wife from the unit, or whatever you call it.
Did Lee learn his lesson, or did he even notice?

Christina said...

That's SO Lee. Gosh I miss you guys! And congrats to Lee!

Katie said...

Well, I think he noticed but I doubt if he learned any lessons :) When I started informing him of my....disappointment at the situation....he only replied that I looked beautiful.