Thursday, June 10, 2010

More to Come Later

Recognize these vehicles? Yep, that's our house. That's a picture of our neighbor and her little girl. They are waiting on us, as I frantically throw things into a bag. Some of this miscellaneous, spur of the moment, panic struck items include: Jacob's tie, a church outfit for Adam, and two pair of p.j.'s for mama. Had we known it would later rise to 3-3 1/2 feet inside of our home I would have tried to save more. We watched out the window as Jacob's toys from the yard floated down the street. He was crushed. The water completely covered the vehicles by the time all was said and done. Don't worry the story ends well. The baby needs me now, so look for another post soon!


Stephanie said...

What the???!?!?!? When did this happen? Is this on base?
I am so sorry. Those were some interesting things to grab considering the circumstances. Hard to think clearly when your house is being flooded, I bet!

This would have been a great time for a 72 hour kit. I guess I should get ours together since we've had flooding here as well, but we have been far enough away that we haven't been effected.