Other titles considered:
When it Rains it Pours
April Showers Bring May Flowers
I know that I could write a novel about the month of May 2010, but I will try to give the condensed story.
May 1, 2010:
It was 7:40am and the baby was crying. I swung my feet over the side of the bed and stepped onto the floor with one foot. It was wet. Jacob had crawled in bed with us early that morning, so I assumed that he had spilled the cup of water on my nightstand. I was a little upset. I took off my socks and then put both feet down. "Wow, he must have spilled alot of water," I thought. "Maybe the toilet is leaking." So I walked into the bathroom where there was standing water. Huh. I walked out of the bedroom and into the hall. "Why in the world is the carpet soaking wet?" I continue walking down the hall and into the living room and I notice that the water is deeper here. I walk into the kitchen and the water is at my ankles. I call to Lee..."Something is wrong here." Then Lee calls back, "Have you looked outside?" I look outside and see that it is pouring down rain and the water is already above the tires on the car.
This is when I lost it.
I think that I thought it was happening faster than what it really was because of the difference in the amount of water from the back of the house to the front. Once I looked outside I thought it was only a matter of time and the water would continue to rise inside the house. Lee then, very calmly, told me to chill out and "they won't let a bunch of sailors drown!" This is when I let my mind slip into semi-permanent vacation. If it weren't for that little survival mechanism I would have been inconsolable. Before I went on vacation I called my mom and nearly gave her a heart attack. I was under the impression that my dad could just hop on his boat and come save us. Luckily it wasn't long before a boat did come for us.
We were actually told that the water shouldn't rise any higher and that it should start receding. It was later that we found out that a levee had broken and heard rumor that Lee's car had been moved all the way down the street (which was true). Then we were told that in addition to this nasty river water there was sewage and gasoline mixed in making it necessary to hose off the people who were being evacuated after us.
Long story short, my parents finally made it into Millington on Sunday to pick us up and take us to their home in Milan. We waited there several days and our imaginations were running wild. But I was still in vacation mode.
I'll get on with it.....this is what we found when they FINALLY let us back in to photograph and catalog EVERY SINGLE THING in our home, so we could file with our insurance.
I've just chosen a few photos from the THOUSANDS that we took.

The kitchen was disgusting. The pictures are great, but there's no way to describe the heat and smell in that house.

Alot of good that cleaning caddy will do.

The antique buffet that I waited and waited and waited for.

i am so sorry. i cried when i read this. what about your pictures, journals? did any of that make it out?
I lost Jacob's baby book including sonograms, hospital bracelet, etc. I lost some photo albums from high school with LOTS of pictures of skinny Lee and skinny Katie :) The other photo albums were on the top shelf so they got wet about half-way up. I'm still working on prying the pictures out and buying new albums to house them. So most of the pics made it!
i am so sorry you lost any pictures. that would kill me. so sorry you lost his baby book. so sad.
although, looking at skinny pictures of me (the few that there are) is just depressing. perhaps i should burn them and continue eating cookies.
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