Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Not the Brightest Bulb

I was looking at the blog just now (I actually just wanted to listen to my playlist, but hate to do it from their site.....too many half-naked girls), and thinking no one ever comments...I wonder if anyone looks at this thing? I'm wasting my time. Then I looked a little closer.....closer.....WOW! I have all kinds of comments! Perhaps I will reply to them?! To all of you who are much more computer savvy than I......my apologies.

Friday, September 26, 2008

When I arrived home from the gym last night my family was gone! I soon received a phone call from Lee. He told me to bring the camera to the playground! This is what I found. I guess Lee had been telling Jacob that I was going to "come and see" him slide, because when he saw me he said, "come see"!


AFTER Jacob's bath the other night, he somehow convinced Daddy to let him come out and help me water the flower bed. I'm putting my money on doe eyes. He watered the grass, sidewalk and a leaf, but never hit the flower bed. He, of course, watered himself as well! Also pay attention to the kid in the background....."I picked up a dead worm!"

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Result

After working hard with Mommy all day long, Jacob has made it clear that he wants to be just like Mommy when he grows up!

Takin' Care of Business

Today, we were putting mulch in the flowerbed and teaching Jacob the value of a hard day's work. He really enjoyed getting dirty! Do you notice who is behind the camera......and not getting dirty? O.K., Daddy did pitch in later, but I was too busy to document with pictures.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shoes Shoes Shoes

I am no longer the only one in the family with a shoe fettish. Jacob discovered a pair of house shoes in his drawers a couple of weeks ago and insisted on wearing them almost constantly....even to bed. Did I mention that they are about 3 sizes too big? Since he loved them so much I was keeping an eye out for new house shoes....in his size.

It was love at first sight! Bless Target for carrying these Elmo slippers! Although he ardently objected each time I tried to pull the Elmo slippers off to change his pants, I was still grateful for these cute little slippers in his size. But, being a 19 month old little boy, his likes and dislikes seem to change with the wind. This morning he was singing a different tune.

He pointed to what I thought was the Elmo slipper and indicated that he would like it on his foot. I slipped Elmo on and received quite an earful for it. He then pointed to his Oscar the Grouch shoes and said, "shoe!". He obviously wanted his Oscar the Grouch shoes on! How clueless can one mother be?! So this morning he wore his Oscar the Grouch shoes over his pajamas.

And drank his OJ with a wooden spoon!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

When the cat's away......

We had a full weekend of fun! Since Lee was in Arkansas with the Big Band Jacob and I went home. On Saturday we went to Grandaddy and Grandmother Rein's house. We spent much of the day outside, chasing cats and such. We also swang and emptied the cats' food and water dishes all over the porch. But doesn't he look innocent?!
Sunday we headed to Jackson for Great Grandmother Fisher's birthday party. Jacob thought the best part was the cake and ice cream.

Round 2

Well, we took another shot at company. Jacob and I had Chloe, 5, and her little sister, Charlotte, 18 months, over for an hour or so last Tuesday. Jacob was much more open to sharing his toys with the girls and didn't scream the first time. BUT he did not aim for them to get the first finger on any of his stuffed animals. These are his most treasured posessions and he began gathering them up as soon as he suspected that they may want to play with them too. With arms full and weighing him down I helped him to carry his fuzzy friends to their bed, where they were kept safe for the duration of the visit.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jacob and Jack

Jacob got this Jack-in-the-Box for his first birthday. He has always made him "work" by simply unlatching the top with his curious little finger. Today, I caught him using the crank......I guess that's what it's called. Patience is a virtue, and I guess we could all use a little more of it. He almost made it all the way, but when I reached in to set the box back up he worked his little finger in there. He then tells Jack all about his rescue from the box!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Scream Heard Round the World

Jacob and I have been attending a playgroup that consists of a few Navy Band wives and their children. For the first time, last Thursday, we hosted the playgroup at our house. It was an unforgettable experience. Jacob, a well known and respected sharer in the nursury at church, has never had to share his toys. When he saw the other children with their hands all over his precious toys his countenance dropped and his mouth opened wide to reveal a piercing scream! He looked genuinely frightened that they were going to take his toys and never return them. His unhappiness continued for the first 45 minutes to an hour. After lunch he started to play with the others and ended up having a wonderful time. I think he wanted to take a nap with Daisy and Joy, but they had to go home and take a nap at their own house. Perhaps next time he will be a little less hesitant to share.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

O.K. I've finally gotten around to taking pictures of our new place. You'll have to look past sleeping beauty.....he had a gig this morning and had to get up at 4:00am. Above is a picture of our bedroom. There's an attached bathroom and a great walk-in closet.

I was just trying to get the rest of the bedroom in this picture. That door goes to the bathroom. There aren't any pictures of Jacob's room because he, too, is napping. Unlike Lee, he will not sleep through pictures.

Here's one of the backyard. Jacob loves playing here! You can see his kiddie pool and basketball goal.

Here's the grill! We haven't been able to use it yet. We had to put it together one night while Jacob was sleeping and didn't get to the last few steps. The nights that we have had time to finish, it's been raining. I'm hoping to get some grilled pork chops tonight!!!

This is pretty boring, just the hallway.

This is Jacob's bathroom. It's really nice to have two!

Here's the kitchen. I love the gas stove! I wish there were room for the table in here. Feeding Jacob over carpet is not tidy.

I was finally able to get the buffet from my parents. It is proving very handy for holding keys, wallet, etc. It even has a miscellaneous drawer already. Perhaps I'll get around to straightening that up:)

Here's a shot of the living room. Lot's of sunshine and plenty of room to play.

This is the new armoire, a Christmas present from my parents. I love it! I thought that if the t.v. was out of sight it would be out of mind....but I guess Jacob isn't on the same page. Now he simply bangs on the doors when it's time to watch Sesame Street. Oh well....I still love it!

Last, but certainly not least, the couch. We bought this couch in August of 2007 and it went into storage in December of 2007. We were happily reunited in August 2008!

As you can see there are no pictures on the wall. We are still setting up and there is always something else to do. The spare bedroom, which we call "the office" is full of items that have not yet received a home. (that's why there's no picture of it)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I'm sure the majority of the people who view this blog haven't seen Jacob in some time. He is a roaring 18 month old. He is, unfortunately, growing a little too fast for my taste. He keeps me on my toes and a smile on my face. Only today, I turned away for that brief second, and when I turned back he was in the kiddie pool........fully clothed, shoes and all! I couldn't help but laugh. The top video was taken about one month ago at my parents' house and the trumpet video at our house. I feel certain he is the next Beethoven. Or maybe Wynton Marsalis.

Creating a Blog

Well, I've had a few requests to start a blog. So here goes.