Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shoes Shoes Shoes

I am no longer the only one in the family with a shoe fettish. Jacob discovered a pair of house shoes in his drawers a couple of weeks ago and insisted on wearing them almost constantly....even to bed. Did I mention that they are about 3 sizes too big? Since he loved them so much I was keeping an eye out for new house his size.

It was love at first sight! Bless Target for carrying these Elmo slippers! Although he ardently objected each time I tried to pull the Elmo slippers off to change his pants, I was still grateful for these cute little slippers in his size. But, being a 19 month old little boy, his likes and dislikes seem to change with the wind. This morning he was singing a different tune.

He pointed to what I thought was the Elmo slipper and indicated that he would like it on his foot. I slipped Elmo on and received quite an earful for it. He then pointed to his Oscar the Grouch shoes and said, "shoe!". He obviously wanted his Oscar the Grouch shoes on! How clueless can one mother be?! So this morning he wore his Oscar the Grouch shoes over his pajamas.

And drank his OJ with a wooden spoon!


Stephanie said...

Ooh man are you in trouble. Not even 2 yet and he already knows exactly what he wants! Luckily for the most part Jordan doesn't care, but we are going through a Spiderman phase. He wants to wear his Spiderman shoes, shirt, and underwear. If he had Spiderman pants I'm sure they would be on as well. Luckily, I keep finding Spiderman shirts for a good price, so he has 4 to choose from. He was wearing the same shirt 2 or 3 times a week.
Aren't kids fun! They make me laugh. All I can say is "write it down". You will forget!