Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I'm sure the majority of the people who view this blog haven't seen Jacob in some time. He is a roaring 18 month old. He is, unfortunately, growing a little too fast for my taste. He keeps me on my toes and a smile on my face. Only today, I turned away for that brief second, and when I turned back he was in the kiddie pool........fully clothed, shoes and all! I couldn't help but laugh. The top video was taken about one month ago at my parents' house and the trumpet video at our house. I feel certain he is the next Beethoven. Or maybe Wynton Marsalis.


Stephanie said...

Oh How cute Katie!I love him with the piano! Welcome to the blogging world...it's about time. j/k

me said...

LOVE IT! He is so tall too! I am going to link you up to my blog... have you tried nursery yet? How is it going? Maddox screams when we leave him but then stops when we are gone. What a kid.