Thursday, September 4, 2008

O.K. I've finally gotten around to taking pictures of our new place. You'll have to look past sleeping beauty.....he had a gig this morning and had to get up at 4:00am. Above is a picture of our bedroom. There's an attached bathroom and a great walk-in closet.

I was just trying to get the rest of the bedroom in this picture. That door goes to the bathroom. There aren't any pictures of Jacob's room because he, too, is napping. Unlike Lee, he will not sleep through pictures.

Here's one of the backyard. Jacob loves playing here! You can see his kiddie pool and basketball goal.

Here's the grill! We haven't been able to use it yet. We had to put it together one night while Jacob was sleeping and didn't get to the last few steps. The nights that we have had time to finish, it's been raining. I'm hoping to get some grilled pork chops tonight!!!

This is pretty boring, just the hallway.

This is Jacob's bathroom. It's really nice to have two!

Here's the kitchen. I love the gas stove! I wish there were room for the table in here. Feeding Jacob over carpet is not tidy.

I was finally able to get the buffet from my parents. It is proving very handy for holding keys, wallet, etc. It even has a miscellaneous drawer already. Perhaps I'll get around to straightening that up:)

Here's a shot of the living room. Lot's of sunshine and plenty of room to play.

This is the new armoire, a Christmas present from my parents. I love it! I thought that if the t.v. was out of sight it would be out of mind....but I guess Jacob isn't on the same page. Now he simply bangs on the doors when it's time to watch Sesame Street. Oh well....I still love it!

Last, but certainly not least, the couch. We bought this couch in August of 2007 and it went into storage in December of 2007. We were happily reunited in August 2008!

As you can see there are no pictures on the wall. We are still setting up and there is always something else to do. The spare bedroom, which we call "the office" is full of items that have not yet received a home. (that's why there's no picture of it)