Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Horrors Part I

Jacob was slightly unhappy to be in his Halloween costume tonight. We tried it on earlier in the day and he loved it...once he saw himself in the mirror. We went to put it on for Lee's work party and he completely lost it!!! Real tears streamed down his face as we pleaded with him. He threw himself down on his bed and kicked his feet as hard as he could. It was really quite sad:( I even tried to bribe him with a milkshake or a new toy. But in the end it just took brute force to get him into it. It was a four person job, but we got it done with two.

The first picture is directly after we got the suit on him. The second is after Lee showed him how cute he was in the mirror. And the third is a picture of his last tear. The rest of the night he was fine. I dare say he was the cutest kid at the party!:)

New Template

I thought it was about time to change my template. I would like to wallpaper a kitchen like this someday.....if I ever OWN a kitchen! It looks like something you would find in an old Grandma's house. Kind of gives off that mothball appeal, huh?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Toddler Bed Trials

Jacob has expressed an interest in sleeping in his toddler bed. He's taken 3 or so naps in the bed and loved it. We had a rocky night with the toddler bed last Saturday, but he was ready to try again last night. When we went to bed we peeked in and noticed that he was hanging half off the bed. Shortly after we lay down we heard a scream and some whining. We peeked again and it looked as if he had fallen off and climbed back on. We thought all was well and went to bed. This is how we found him this morning.

So it is with great pain that I swallow my pride and say, "Mom, you were right."

Monday, October 20, 2008

What a Big Boy!

Lee was off today, so it was back to the zoo! That's what happens when you buy a year pass. It just so happened that our friends, the Deatons, were going to the zoo too, so we decided to meet up. I didn't take the camera, because I have plenty of pictures from the zoo. I was a little sorry that I didn't bring it, because I failed to capture the love that Joy has for Jacob. She would hold his hand and stroke his face and of course, give him kisses! But he always came back to Mommy:)

Later this evening Jacob received his very first house call. We were in the bedroom playing and the doorbell rang. We were surprised since we weren't expecting company. We went to the door to find the 6 year old boy from down the street, Sean. He wanted to know if Jacob could come out and play. (This is the voice from the video of Jacob with the water hose saying....hey guys, I picked up a dead worm) Lee tried to explain that Jacob was still just a baby, but Jacob wasn't having it. You see, Jacob watches the big boys play football across the street every night and he wants so desperately to play with them. So he took off out the door in nothing but his diaper and followed Sean into the back yard where the teeter totter was discovered. Lee brought out clothes for Jacob and we played for a bit. He was so sad when Sean left:(

But before our house call, while I was making dinner, I was able to catch this little jewel on camera. This was his first time to enter the cabinet.....we think he was pretending to be a bear like he saw at the zoo. Unfortunately you also get an up close and personal glimpse of my cluttered kitchen table:( My real friends will just look past that, right? Upon watching the video I also heard Lee playing.....I don't really notice it anymore.

Friday, October 3, 2008


After spending a day out with the girls Jacob decided that he needed to be extra manly today!!!! Watch out ladies!

Out with the Girls

Jacob and I went to the zoo with our friends yesterday. He is really beginning to warm up to Joy and Daisy. At one point he chose to hold Joy's hand instead of mine!!!! Isn't he a little young for this? I did manage to get a shot of him holding hands with Daisy....the older woman.

Joy was very interested in what he had to say about the animals. In this particular shot I believe she was trying to give him a kiss! He was much more interested in the ducks. Of all the wonderful animals to see at the zoo, Jacob loved the ducks. And each time I asked him what a duck says he would reply, in a raspy voice, "Cack, Cack". He was also able to meow at the kitty cats and was absolutely prepared to jump in with the hippos! He had a close encounter with the monkeys, through the clear wall, but he didn't seem that interested. He probably thought it was just a dirty kid.

I do believe that Joy managed to give Jacob a kiss goodbye when he was strapped in his carseat. I don't think she would have gotten it otherwise!

Our Weekend in Milan

This is Jacob waving goodbye. Looks a little stunned. This is because he just completed the John Deere ride with Granda. I think he's surprised that he survived!

We went home to celebrate Granda's Birthday, and to play with the cats, of course. Here is a clip of the scary ride.

The following day we were excited to go meet Allie and Abby. Allie and Abby are the daughters of my friend, Melinda, who I grew up with. Allie will be 3 in January and Abby is just about to be 4 months. I was so pleased that there was no major meltdowns over the sharing of toys. Either he's getting better or I just caught a break. Either way it was a great day.