Friday, October 3, 2008

Out with the Girls

Jacob and I went to the zoo with our friends yesterday. He is really beginning to warm up to Joy and Daisy. At one point he chose to hold Joy's hand instead of mine!!!! Isn't he a little young for this? I did manage to get a shot of him holding hands with Daisy....the older woman.

Joy was very interested in what he had to say about the animals. In this particular shot I believe she was trying to give him a kiss! He was much more interested in the ducks. Of all the wonderful animals to see at the zoo, Jacob loved the ducks. And each time I asked him what a duck says he would reply, in a raspy voice, "Cack, Cack". He was also able to meow at the kitty cats and was absolutely prepared to jump in with the hippos! He had a close encounter with the monkeys, through the clear wall, but he didn't seem that interested. He probably thought it was just a dirty kid.

I do believe that Joy managed to give Jacob a kiss goodbye when he was strapped in his carseat. I don't think she would have gotten it otherwise!


Stephanie said...

Ahhhhh, how cute! He's a ladies man already! Better watch out!