Monday, October 20, 2008

What a Big Boy!

Lee was off today, so it was back to the zoo! That's what happens when you buy a year pass. It just so happened that our friends, the Deatons, were going to the zoo too, so we decided to meet up. I didn't take the camera, because I have plenty of pictures from the zoo. I was a little sorry that I didn't bring it, because I failed to capture the love that Joy has for Jacob. She would hold his hand and stroke his face and of course, give him kisses! But he always came back to Mommy:)

Later this evening Jacob received his very first house call. We were in the bedroom playing and the doorbell rang. We were surprised since we weren't expecting company. We went to the door to find the 6 year old boy from down the street, Sean. He wanted to know if Jacob could come out and play. (This is the voice from the video of Jacob with the water hose saying....hey guys, I picked up a dead worm) Lee tried to explain that Jacob was still just a baby, but Jacob wasn't having it. You see, Jacob watches the big boys play football across the street every night and he wants so desperately to play with them. So he took off out the door in nothing but his diaper and followed Sean into the back yard where the teeter totter was discovered. Lee brought out clothes for Jacob and we played for a bit. He was so sad when Sean left:(

But before our house call, while I was making dinner, I was able to catch this little jewel on camera. This was his first time to enter the cabinet.....we think he was pretending to be a bear like he saw at the zoo. Unfortunately you also get an up close and personal glimpse of my cluttered kitchen table:( My real friends will just look past that, right? Upon watching the video I also heard Lee playing.....I don't really notice it anymore.


Unknown said...

he is just too cute