Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baking Baking Baking

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to bake. I find great pleasure in baking and always enjoy the fruits of my labor!!! BUT I have done more baking from the 1st of December til now than any human being should ever have to do. There have been parties and concerts and get togethers and they seem to all require a delicious dessert. After baking almost 6 dozen cookies today, I thought that I would immediately upchuck at the sight of another holiday goody! That didn't last long:) I found myself enjoying the fruits once again this evening! But it might take a month or two before I can truly take joy in the work again.

Jacob was a precious cutie bug today, as usual. He was scared of Santa at Lee's Work Christmas Party tonight, and screamed in horror. Of course, that made everyone laugh.

Today we were drawing circles. He's pretty good at it. When I told him to draw a circle, he would, so I assume that means he knows what a circle is now. He amazes me. Guess we'll start on organic chemistry tomorrow.
I hate to post without adding at least one here are two that are a couple of weeks old. Jacob really loved talking through the gift wrap and Lee really loved sword fighting Jacob with the gift wrap. "Riccccooolllaaaaaaaa"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Labor of Love

I think my mother and brother are the only ones who can truly appreciate today's post. My sister-in-law, Katie, stopped by this weekend and on Saturday we all went to Milan to make Christmas goodies with my mom. This was also the unveiling ceremony of the upstairs of my parents' house. This room was my brother's bedroom when he was younger. I guess some time around middle or high school, when my Dad added on the living room and master bedroom, the upstairs became attic space. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of this room to show how it looked the last time I was up there. There were boxes stacked floor to ceiling and you couldn't see the carpet. There were holes in the ceiling where the friendly squirrels had been trying to drop in for a visit. The toy box was still full of old toys, covered in dust and long since some. There were thick red drapes blocking the sunlight and an old broken air conditioner hanging in the window. It was a little depressing. But look at it now! There is a picture of some of my first children. There were eight of them.....I'll have to find the family photo and post it soon. All the books and toys in the bookshelves belonged to my brother and me. I believe my Dad made the table and chairs before I was born...for my brother. They added a Futon as well. Jacob even got to put ornaments on the Christmas tree. He was originally going to help us make treats, but he was very much distracted by this wonderland of toys. But we eventually got him to help with some cookies. So......THANK YOU GRANDADDY!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


O.K. A few things to write. First of voice. I've been hacking away for about 4 days now, and have lost my voice. Second...crayons. Jacob took his first stab at wall art yesterday, and as I opened my mouth to shriek in horror, nothing came out! Thankfully they are washable and came right off with Mr. Clean's magic eraser. There were 3 areas colored on the wall, but I've only included a picture of one. He also managed to get the washer and dryer! Jacob is totally into his toboggan (sp?). He's been wearing it all around the house like a stinkin' cutie pie. He can put it on by himself and I think he is very proud of that. Jacob was pulling his donkey toy around this morning. It was so cute, but of course when I got the camera out to video, he stopped. The upside is that you still get to see him in his incredibly tight Lightning McQueen p.j.'s and a pair of athletic shoes. Later in the day, after lunch, he was trying to buckle Pooh Bear into his booster seat. I wasn't quick enough to get that one either. He is now calling Pooh by name. Actually by three names. One is simply Poo. The second is, Pooh Bee. The third is Pooh Boo. Also this morning, while watching Sesame Street, he jumped in and counted along. As they began counting on the screen he looked up with interest. After they said, "one", he said "two". And he counted along all the way to 17. But each and every number after "one" was "two". He really loves the number two!
Notice when Jacob stops by the table and sort of half-smiles. He thinks I am taking another picture! Poor kid.