Wednesday, December 10, 2008


O.K. A few things to write. First of voice. I've been hacking away for about 4 days now, and have lost my voice. Second...crayons. Jacob took his first stab at wall art yesterday, and as I opened my mouth to shriek in horror, nothing came out! Thankfully they are washable and came right off with Mr. Clean's magic eraser. There were 3 areas colored on the wall, but I've only included a picture of one. He also managed to get the washer and dryer! Jacob is totally into his toboggan (sp?). He's been wearing it all around the house like a stinkin' cutie pie. He can put it on by himself and I think he is very proud of that. Jacob was pulling his donkey toy around this morning. It was so cute, but of course when I got the camera out to video, he stopped. The upside is that you still get to see him in his incredibly tight Lightning McQueen p.j.'s and a pair of athletic shoes. Later in the day, after lunch, he was trying to buckle Pooh Bear into his booster seat. I wasn't quick enough to get that one either. He is now calling Pooh by name. Actually by three names. One is simply Poo. The second is, Pooh Bee. The third is Pooh Boo. Also this morning, while watching Sesame Street, he jumped in and counted along. As they began counting on the screen he looked up with interest. After they said, "one", he said "two". And he counted along all the way to 17. But each and every number after "one" was "two". He really loves the number two!
Notice when Jacob stops by the table and sort of half-smiles. He thinks I am taking another picture! Poor kid.


me said...

A few things to you: Your son is so cute and so big! He is talking away. The other thing- your house is clean. You claimed you couldn't keep your house clean. Do you know I stayed up until 1 am cleaning last night and I sit on my couch right now... my living room looks exactly how it looked last night before I cleaned- maybe worse actually. Why do I bother? In fact by 9am my living room looked worse than it did before I started cleaning last night. We really need to get together- Jacob can add to the chaos around here- as long as no one touches the closets.