Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baking Baking Baking

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to bake. I find great pleasure in baking and always enjoy the fruits of my labor!!! BUT I have done more baking from the 1st of December til now than any human being should ever have to do. There have been parties and concerts and get togethers and they seem to all require a delicious dessert. After baking almost 6 dozen cookies today, I thought that I would immediately upchuck at the sight of another holiday goody! That didn't last long:) I found myself enjoying the fruits once again this evening! But it might take a month or two before I can truly take joy in the work again.

Jacob was a precious cutie bug today, as usual. He was scared of Santa at Lee's Work Christmas Party tonight, and screamed in horror. Of course, that made everyone laugh.

Today we were drawing circles. He's pretty good at it. When I told him to draw a circle, he would, so I assume that means he knows what a circle is now. He amazes me. Guess we'll start on organic chemistry tomorrow.
I hate to post without adding at least one here are two that are a couple of weeks old. Jacob really loved talking through the gift wrap and Lee really loved sword fighting Jacob with the gift wrap. "Riccccooolllaaaaaaaa"


Stephanie said...

Ricola is totally what I thought when I saw that picture!

Oh the joys of baking, and the joys of the holidays...I don't think my body will ever recoup!