Friday, January 9, 2009


Today was beautiful. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. So, after we went to the YMCA I decided to stop by the playground on the way home. Oh, did we have fun! Then Jacob got a splinter from one of the benches. This was his very first splinter. He held his hand up to me and said, "Ow!", and waited for me to kiss it. I kissed it, knowing that a kiss wouldn't make this one better. Every time he closed his hand he would say, "Ow!" Then he would try to wipe it off on his pants! I decided it was time to go home and try to get the splinter out. When we got home I tried several times to get the splinter. I tried putting in a movie, but that distraction wasn't enough. We waited for Lee to get home. Luckily, he got home early, around 2:00. So Lee and I tried to extract the splinter. We laid him out on the couch and I laid on top of him while Lee worked on his hand. Then Lee tried restraining him while I worked on his hand. Long story short........we ended up at the Dr.'s office! It took 4 of us to get the splinter out. 3 to hold him down and 1 to do the dirty work. I was in charge of holding his legs and distracting him. As I watched the nurse scrape off the skin on his little bitty hand and the blood dripping down, and the tears rolling steadily down his precious little face, it took every bit of energy from every cell of my body not to cry. When it was over we got a band-aid and a sucker and all was right in the world again. His hand is still sore, but we are keeping Curious George band-aids on it.


Stephanie said...

A similar thing happened to Karlee, when we were living in Utah. It took Daddy and grandma to hold her down and me to get it out. It was so horrible listening to her scream and cry, but that thing just had to come out, Luckily, we didn't have to go to the DR. Karlee wasn't so happy with me for a while though!