Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Parrot

Oh my! I guess Jacob wished to become a parrot when he blew out his birthday candles. I noticed a couple days ago that Jacob was repeating me....even things that he had never said, "oh no" and "wait wait wait wait wait". This is something we are going to have to watch more closely. We do not use bad language, but sometimes we say things that he doesn't understand and/or he has no idea about the context in which you say them. Today, at lunch, Lee and I were in the floor with Jacob's new Mega Blocks. We were each building our own design....and then Lee took my blocks:( So I said to him playfully, "no, those are mine." Then Jacob said, "no, those ah my!" and took them from Lee. It was funny, but I can see how this could go badly for us in the future.

2nd Birthday

My baby is two years old. I can't believe it. The boy that I thought would never talk now says, "mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama" all day long. I must admit that I really don't mind. I think it's cute and sort of funny. I can be sitting right next to him and watching the same thing he is, but he will repeat "mama" until I acknowledge him and let him know that I see it too. (he does the same thing to dada)

We had his party last Saturday, the 14th. We had 17 people and one tiny dog in our home....all family. The cake was decorated with M&M's. Before Saturday Jacob had only had one M&M in his whole life. After I brought the cake out and we sang Happy Birthday, I was distracted, and then my mom pointed out to me that Jacob had started eating the M&M's off the cake and was shoving them all into his mouth at once! He also pulled all the cars off of the cake. It was very funny. He looked like a monkey, heavily engrossed in a hygienic ritual. I'm glad he enjoyed them!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crayola Caper

Oh Jacob! Jacob had friends over to play this morning. Jared, 3 and Zion, 18 months. While I was talking to their mother, and Jared was playing in the living room, Jacob and Zion decided to go play in Jacob's room. I need to preface this with the fact that Jacob KNOWS that it is not o.k. to color on the wall. This was not his first offense. The difference? This time he had an accomplice! When I walked into the room Zion continued to color, but Jacob knew he had been caught. His little eyes got big and he dropped his crayon and ran to my side. I'm not sure if he was apologizing, begging or denying any responsibility for the mural that covered his walls. I was able to successfully clean most of one of the walls within an hour.....with 2 Mr. Clean magic erasers and a butt-load of elbow grease! I will have to finish tomorrow, because I ran out of magic erasers:(
His consequence? He had to sit in his time-out chair, in the room with me, while I cleaned the wall. Before I get angry phone calls from grandparents......he sat quietly and read books. It was hardly solitary confinement. I also put the crayons out of reach.