Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crayola Caper

Oh Jacob! Jacob had friends over to play this morning. Jared, 3 and Zion, 18 months. While I was talking to their mother, and Jared was playing in the living room, Jacob and Zion decided to go play in Jacob's room. I need to preface this with the fact that Jacob KNOWS that it is not o.k. to color on the wall. This was not his first offense. The difference? This time he had an accomplice! When I walked into the room Zion continued to color, but Jacob knew he had been caught. His little eyes got big and he dropped his crayon and ran to my side. I'm not sure if he was apologizing, begging or denying any responsibility for the mural that covered his walls. I was able to successfully clean most of one of the walls within an hour.....with 2 Mr. Clean magic erasers and a butt-load of elbow grease! I will have to finish tomorrow, because I ran out of magic erasers:(
His consequence? He had to sit in his time-out chair, in the room with me, while I cleaned the wall. Before I get angry phone calls from grandparents......he sat quietly and read books. It was hardly solitary confinement. I also put the crayons out of reach.


me said...

Oh Katie! I am sorry! This is one thing I have never had to deal with- well, Tucker colored a few lines onto the wall with his bathtub crayon but I just painted over it out of laziness. Besides, it was my fault for telling him to color on the walls in the bathtub. We don't use those anymore. Maybe you SHOULD use them though so Jacob can let his artistic side run wild in the bath.

Don't you LOVE Magic Erasers? The first time I used one it was like coming home. I finally found where I belong.

Stephanie said...

Oh NO! Katie, I'm sorry! All kids go through this. In fact, when I was older enough to know better...we won't get into exact parents were putting up half-wall paneling in the hallway upstairs. Knowing that there would be something covering this wall, my brothers and I saw no reason why we couldn't "decorate" the wall first with MARKERS! Yes, markers! No magic eraser can get this off. Of course, still being young we didn't think about the fact that later down the road my Mom might get tired of the paneling and want to take it down. Not gonna happen in that house. It would take a couple coats of primer and then a couple coats of paint to cover over our artistic work.
My personal favorite with my kids is when they write their names on the wall and then deny it. Or better yet, when they write their brother or sisters name on the wall and insist that that kid wrote it, even though that child can not write his/her name yet. Isn't it fun!Always something to laugh about!