Friday, May 29, 2009

A Morning with Jacob

I meant to post this a few days ago, but pregnancy brain kicked in and I forgot! Imagine that.


Take a boring household chore, like putting clean sheets on the bed. This would normally take 5 minutes.

But with Jacob.....

It becomes......

A morning full.......

of fun......

And helping Mommy.......

While Pooby is made to watch from the sidelines:(

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It's a Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's no doubt about's a boy! The very second the ultrasound started it was already up front and center. Lee immediately said, "It's a boy!" Maybe he should be an ultrasound tech b/c I was still staring blankly at the black and white mess all over the screen. I was very surprised. It's not that I had my heart set on a fact, I haven't been shy in telling people that I would probably be better with another boy. But my gut told me it was a much for mother's intuition!!

I am extremely happy that Jacob will have a little brother, and one so close in age. He can teach him all about playing in the dirt and how to get things from Mommy by giving her kisses :)

For those of you who are not gifted in the art of deciphering ultrasound....this is a profile of baby. The round part on the left is his head and you can see his nose pointing up towards the middle. It's kind of like the Magic Eye books.....stare at it long enough and then the picture will jump out at you!

Playing at Pa and Mani's

Does anyone know how to spell Mani? It's sounds like Mommy but with "n"s instead of "m"s. Monny? Maybe I should ask Jacob how to spell it, since he made it up!

After a week overflowing with "challenges" we had the opportunity to leave Jacob at Mani and Pa's while Lee and I went out for a date to celebrate his birthday.
There was work.....
And play.....
And he was exhausted by the time we left.

That's What Boots Are For

I have a few posts to make. But I wanted the first post to be about the new picture at the top of the page. This is a picture of Jacob in the midst of our flooded house. The scab on his lip is from the day prior, when he fell off of the teeter-totter and had to go to the emergency room. Is he crying? Is he holding his head in his hands and saying, "why me?!!" No. He is smiling and making the best of it. All he wanted to do was put on his boots and play in the water. That's what boots are for, right?

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Sometimes Jacob completely blows me away.
We say our family prayers in the evening before Jacob goes to bed. We often ask Jacob if he would like to say it. The answer is always fact he doesn't even sit still for the prayer. Today as we were lounging around after church, Lee on the couch and Jacob and I at the table, Jacob began to pray....out of the blue. He folded his little arms and began talking quietly and reverently. All I could really make out was "Jesus" and "pray"....which were repeated more than once....then he said, "Amen."

Saturday, May 16, 2009

He-Man or She-Ra?

I've come to the conclustion that my unborn child is going to be the world's next superhero. Seeing as I only have one other pregnancy to compare it to, I could be mistakenly astonished. With Jacob I felt a slight flutter at 16 weeks, but no kicks until around 20 weeks. It was many more weeks before kicks could actually be felt from the outside. I understand that flutters can be mistaken......but not kicks! With my current pregnancy I felt baby 14 weeks and began feeling regular kicking at 16 weeks. And at only 17 weeks, baby can be felt kicking regularly from the inside and from the outside! How bizarre. The only thing left is to choose an appropriate name. We should be able to cut our list in half in just 10 days. So will it be Xena or Hulk?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Yesterday we were working in the yard. Apparently when Lee mowed the lawn he destroyed the homes of several frogs. I pointed the frog out to Jacob, he bent down and looked at him and said, "You're a frog!" I could only imagine what the frog was thinking.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This weekend, despite the constant rain, ended up having a few exciting moments. A few... firsts. At the age of two Jacob has had plenty of firsts: first word, first step, first time to go potty, etc. All of these were very exciting. But none of these firsts got quite the same reaction as the first we experienced yesterday.... when I caught him playing in the toilet! He simply took his soaking wet hands out of the toilet, came towards me, and said, "need more wa-wa!" Yuck.

Although there's never been a need, we tend to keep the storm doors locked. This way if Jacob were to decide to escape he could be contained. But he's never tried...until today. Lee and I were both in the bedroom and we heard the storm door shut. We looked at each other and exchanged a silent conversation that lasted about half a second (the storm door isn't locked...where is Jacob?). Lee took off and was back in the bedroom within 30 seconds. His full report: Yes, Jacob went outside, but he did put his boots on before he left! I guess we have a reason to lock the storm doors now.