Sunday, May 3, 2009


This weekend, despite the constant rain, ended up having a few exciting moments. A few... firsts. At the age of two Jacob has had plenty of firsts: first word, first step, first time to go potty, etc. All of these were very exciting. But none of these firsts got quite the same reaction as the first we experienced yesterday.... when I caught him playing in the toilet! He simply took his soaking wet hands out of the toilet, came towards me, and said, "need more wa-wa!" Yuck.

Although there's never been a need, we tend to keep the storm doors locked. This way if Jacob were to decide to escape he could be contained. But he's never tried...until today. Lee and I were both in the bedroom and we heard the storm door shut. We looked at each other and exchanged a silent conversation that lasted about half a second (the storm door isn't locked...where is Jacob?). Lee took off and was back in the bedroom within 30 seconds. His full report: Yes, Jacob went outside, but he did put his boots on before he left! I guess we have a reason to lock the storm doors now.


me said...

Has he been reading my blog? The toilet thing is just too close to home. I am proud of him for getting ready before he went outside. Before we childproofed our door, Maddox ran outside totally naked. They really need to play together more, or maybe they shouldn't.