Thursday, November 19, 2009

So Far

My far.
Let's start with bedtime, last night.

9:00- nurse Adam
9:30- check on Jacob and notice that he sounds a little sick
10:00- sleep
1:00- nurse Adam
sometime btwn 1 and 3- Jacob climbs in bed with us...sick
3:00- Jacob is repeating over and over and over, "I want water."
3:01- I get Jacob water, and listen to the hiss of the sippy cup for 5 or so minutes b/f get back to sleep
5:30- nurse Adam
6:00- back to bed but hard to go back to sleep b/c Jacob is snoring.....finally asleep
6:30- Lee's alarm goes off
sometime btwn 6:30 and 6:45- go back to sleep and have nightmare about dinosaurs and the end of the world
6:45- Adam starts screaming
6:50- while changing Adam's diaper he projectile poops across the's on everything!
7:00- my husband kisses me and leaves for work....was that a sigh of relief I heard as he left??

Btwn 7 and lunch time Adam doesn't nap for longer than 10-15 minutes
Lunch- Jacob brings me a can of peas that he is requesting for lunch...then drops it on his toe :(

But everything is o.k. when Jacob climbs in my lap and plays with my greasy hair that needs to be washed and brushed. I don't think he notices that his Mommy hasn't had a chance to bathe lately....he's just happy I'm here :)


me said...

oh, katie. i don't really know what else to say.

did i ever tell you about the time tucker projectile pooped on ME? the woman that brought him into this world at deaths door and had my stomach cut open for? he shot poop at me.

also, the nightmare about dinosaurs sounds disturbing. do you think the hiss of the sippy cup brought it on? i bet some dinosaurs hissed.

Katie said...

the nightmare was quite disturbing...but last night i actually dreamt that you and nate came to see i feel all better now!!

Christina said...

Oh, my sweet Katie! I totally understand. I've had so many days like that. Motherhood sucks sometimes. That's the ugly truth. But it's awesome too. I love you! I'm sending you a virtual hug.