Sunday, April 26, 2009

Keep on Trying

Jacob has a DVD called Elmo's Potty Time. There is a segment that shows kids trying to do things and trying and trying until they get it. There's also a catchy little song in the background that repeats the words "keep on trying." One of the kids in the video is trying to blow bubbles. Jacob loves that part. Once he sees it he wants to try too. He NEVER blows any bubbles.

Well, we haven't seen that DVD in a while. But out of the blue, last Saturday, Jacob starts asking......begging for bubbles (buggahs). So I sighed, gave in, and handed them over. FIRST TRY, he was blowing bubbles. He blew bubbles for a minute or so before I thought to get the camera. We were almost out of bubbles by the time we started taping, but he still managed to get some out. How surprising! I guess if you never let them try, you'll never know what they can do!

Jacob's New Old Friend

This week Jacob met his old friend, Rees. I say old friend because Jacob has known Rees longer than Jacob has been alive. When Jacob was still living in my belly he was kicking 4 month old Rees as I rocked him. And when Jacob was 4 months old we left Texas.....and Rees.

I have never seen Jacob play with another child the way he played with Rees. Maybe it's just that Rees is a little boy and Jacob only has girl friends over to play.

We were so happy to have Charlie, Christina and Rees to visit.

Jacob was pretty sad to see the Riska's leave. He showed his disappointment appropriately.....with tears.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


With #2 on the way I have fears that I feel are normal. Mostly fears for Jacob. How will he adjust? Will he like being a big brother? How will he feel about sharing his toys, parents and space? All of these fears were summoned to the forefront of my mind this afternoon.
We've been watching a nest of baby birds for the past week or so. It looked like there were 3 baby birds in the nest. I always got warm fuzzy feelings when I saw the mother bird feeding her precious babies. After all, here were 3 siblings who seemed to be fine with sharing everything. Then, when Jacob and I went outside to play today there was one precious baby bird splattered on the concrete. At first I thought, "That poor bird must have unfortunate." Then my thoughts turned to the mother bird. "That poor mother." But then I saw not two baby bird heads poking out of the nest but 3!!! There just wasn't room for 4!

But who pushed it out?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bad Idea

No Zofran.....bad idea. I have the broken blood vessels all over my face to prove it.

Taking Jacob to Wal-Mart today......bad idea. I'm not sure what was going on with him (or maybe me) but it was not a pleasant trip. There was alot of crying/screaming and quite a few hushed threats given. He even got Pooby revoked for the remainder of the day (to be returned at bedtime). But how could I stay mad at this guy?!! He gave me extra hugs and kisses at bedtime. I think he knew I wasn't feeling well today:( Or maybe he was just very happy to get Pooby back :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day Two

Well, I've made it two consecutive days without the Zofran. Everything was going pretty well until dinner tonight. Jacob brought us a can of corn....his request for dinner. This has been normal for him lately. He goes to the cabinet and picks a can of veggies, and that is what he wants. Luckily I was already finished with my dinner when Jacob began to choke on some corn. It sounded like the dog in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, when he was under the table choking. Finally, a flood of whole kernel corn made it's way up his throat and out onto the table. Then he exclaims, "Ta-da!"

Just so you know, the picture is not of him licking vomit. He is cleaning applesauce from Pooby's head. I guess best friends are allowed to clean each other this way.