Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jacob's New Old Friend

This week Jacob met his old friend, Rees. I say old friend because Jacob has known Rees longer than Jacob has been alive. When Jacob was still living in my belly he was kicking 4 month old Rees as I rocked him. And when Jacob was 4 months old we left Texas.....and Rees.

I have never seen Jacob play with another child the way he played with Rees. Maybe it's just that Rees is a little boy and Jacob only has girl friends over to play.

We were so happy to have Charlie, Christina and Rees to visit.

Jacob was pretty sad to see the Riska's leave. He showed his disappointment appropriately.....with tears.


me said...

I won't go into my jealousy issues here.

I cannot believe how big both of those boys are! Unreal.

I need to find a way to get these little boys to stop getting so big. Next thing we know they are going to be on missions and then they will have the audacity to go to college and meet some girl who isn't nearly good enough for them and marry her. Boys. Can you help me to stop the insanity?