Thursday, April 23, 2009


With #2 on the way I have fears that I feel are normal. Mostly fears for Jacob. How will he adjust? Will he like being a big brother? How will he feel about sharing his toys, parents and space? All of these fears were summoned to the forefront of my mind this afternoon.
We've been watching a nest of baby birds for the past week or so. It looked like there were 3 baby birds in the nest. I always got warm fuzzy feelings when I saw the mother bird feeding her precious babies. After all, here were 3 siblings who seemed to be fine with sharing everything. Then, when Jacob and I went outside to play today there was one precious baby bird splattered on the concrete. At first I thought, "That poor bird must have unfortunate." Then my thoughts turned to the mother bird. "That poor mother." But then I saw not two baby bird heads poking out of the nest but 3!!! There just wasn't room for 4!

But who pushed it out?


me said...

Oh, Katie. Pregnancy hormones can be rough.

I think Jacob will take on the role of older brother... That is the older, WISER, SMARTER, more EXPERIENCED brother. He will love having someone to play with- as long as they understand that he is in charge. I am speaking from experience here.