Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 6

Day 6.....still sick :( I am however trying to look on the bright side. I'd rather be sick now than in 2 weeks, when our newest bundle of joy arrives. Being sick has also forced me to lay down...alot. This isn't something I like to do alot of. I'm a mover. I know now, that it comes from my father. He never stops. Lee says that I "flit about the house" doing things all day long. This makes me happy. When I sit still for too long I feel like I'm being useless....and that would not make Sir Topham Hatt proud. (I've seen too much Thomas the Train!)

So, even though I feel a little useless, I know that my body needs the rest. It is telling me that.....constantly....for the past 6 days.

So, 15 days to get better. Surely we can make that deadline!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let the countdown begin

20 days. Why am I counting down?? Well, when I found out I had developed gestational diabetes one of the first things that actually went through my mind was.."I hope I don't get sick." You know, like a cold or something. Because I NEED sweets when I am sick. I can't stress this enough....NEED. As of today, Jacob has shared his sickness with me. I feel like I need to be tied down to a dolly like Hannibal Lecter, mask and all. Not only am I pregnant, but I'm sick...and can't have sweets. I at least think the ladies who read this can understand..empathize. I'm allowed to feel sorry for myself every once in a while...and today is my day. I've done really well with the restrictions on my diet. I've watched my son and husband eat ice cream in front of me on more than one occasion and didn't mind. I've watched Jacob drink chocolate milk every day. If, after dinner, Lee wants a snack he eats it.....and I haven't minded. But now I'm sick. Someone please bring in the straight jacket!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Rain, Rain......

It was raining today when I woke up. I love rainy days. For some reason I feel no expectations on rainy days. If it gets done, great...if it doesn't, who's raining after all. It's a day to stay in your jammies a little longer and cuddle up in bed. Jacob also loves the rain. He always says, " I wanna touch the rain." Since there was no thunder and lightning I thought, why not? He told me he would need his rain boots and his rain coat, so we donned our rain gear and headed outside for fun. Well, he headed outside, I kept in the doorway....I was afraid I would melt :)

I realize these videos may be boring for some, but I figured the grandparents would want to see. I love how he didn't even hesitate to step out into the downpour. And he was so excited to find a "waterfall" in his own backyard!! And the bird's nest is still there.....despite the absence of the birds for some time.

While we were playing, Lee came home for uniform!! (a treat for me :) ) He was not very surprised to find us playing in the rain, and since he was already wet, I got him to pose for a picture.

Aren't my men handsome???

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pink Palace

The Pink Palace is a museum in Memphis. I remember going as a child and seeing a dinosaur that really moved! We thought Jacob would really enjoy that. We found out that admission is free on Tuesdays after we went. I'm glad it was free. Jacob was terrified that the T-Rex was going to eat his Daddy. He was saying, "No, my Daddy, No, my Daddy, No, my Daddy!" I wanted a picture of both of them in front of the T-Rex, but Jacob wasn't going anywhere near him. But Daddy was very brave!! My hero!
In the video you can hear Jacob say that the dinosaurs are going to eat us. We somehow managed to escape unscathed :)

For Aunt Jean and Uncle Rick

Aunt Jean and Uncle Rick sent Jacob a couple of books for his second birthday....over 6 months ago. He shunned them. Every time I tried to read them to him he refused. For the past 2 or 3 weeks one of these books has become his favorite! He knows the title and asks for it by name. Come and Play, Jake is something we read all the time. I think he likes the fact that it has his name throughout and that Jake wears a very soft sweater that is nice to touch. So now, Aunt Jean and Uncle Rick, you can rest easy, knowing that the books are being read and loved!!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I had a request for a belly shot. Here's the beast!!
33 weeks.....and counting!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear Jacob

My dearest Jacob,

Don't you realize that 5:22am is a little too early to wake up? Don't you know that your baby brother will be here soon and Mama needs all the rest she can get? Mama spends most of the night repositioning her massive body and going back and forth to the potty. Can we make it all the way through the night tonight? Give Mama a break....I mean, you're hardly a newborn anymore. Surely we can make it through the night. I love ya kid, but you've got to start sleeping a little better.


We have access to the commissary, seeing as Lee is in the Navy, but we rarely shop there. It always seemed to us that a trip to the commissary cost about the same as a trip to Wal-Mart. Since gestational diabetes came along and with it the cost of insulin, needles, testing strips and lancets and not being able to eat those cheap pasta meals, we've had to take a close look at our budget. Hmmm, do we cut out the van payment or the toilet paper? (I use alot of toilet paper these days) So we decided to do a detailed comparison of the prices between Wal-Mart and the commissary. We made a spreadsheet of about 31 items that we commonly buy on a grocery trip and we took a trip to each store and wrote down the prices. Imagine our surprise to find that the commissary was $23 cheaper than Wal-Mart!! Wouldn't you be happy if someone told you that you could get about $20 bucks off your average trip to the grocery store?? I think we were somewhat prejudice against the commissary. You see, if you think Wal-Mart is a madhouse you should take a trip to the commissary. I guess with prices that low, everyone who can shops there. You often see people pulling two carts that are packed full. So, it takes us a while to catch on. Hopefully we can keep buying toilet paper now.


Well, since I was so bored this morning, I took some pictures of my little angel. I was trying to convince him to put his clothes on.

Here are his jeans....not on his body yet.
He did eventually give in and let me put his clothes on. But I think he is cuter with them off.


This morning I asked my husband, "Why are you always messing up and I'm always cleaning up?" This was his reply: "If I didn't mess up you would get bored." Then he gave me a kiss and went to work.

Maybe it's true.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not Today

We went to the zoo today. It was perfect....around 80 degrees and deserted. But on the way to the zoo, Jacob finished the cookies that he was holding in his hand. Then he said, "I want more cookies." This may not sound earth-shattering to anyone but let me explain. Jacob doesn't say the word "cookie". Cookies are called "Coo-Coo's". Yes, I knew that one day he would begin to pronounce words correctly..."Coo-Coo's" would become "cookies", "Neighs" would be "horses", "totty train" would be "thomas the train", and so forth. But I just wasn't expecting it today. With his 3rd birthday right around the corner, I feel like he's getting ready to move out!! Of course, he might want to wait until we get the whole potty training thing under control :) My point is, where does the time go?? It seems that just the other day he couldn't talk at all. Does he have to turn 3?? Can't we do 2 again??