Saturday, September 19, 2009

Let the countdown begin

20 days. Why am I counting down?? Well, when I found out I had developed gestational diabetes one of the first things that actually went through my mind was.."I hope I don't get sick." You know, like a cold or something. Because I NEED sweets when I am sick. I can't stress this enough....NEED. As of today, Jacob has shared his sickness with me. I feel like I need to be tied down to a dolly like Hannibal Lecter, mask and all. Not only am I pregnant, but I'm sick...and can't have sweets. I at least think the ladies who read this can understand..empathize. I'm allowed to feel sorry for myself every once in a while...and today is my day. I've done really well with the restrictions on my diet. I've watched my son and husband eat ice cream in front of me on more than one occasion and didn't mind. I've watched Jacob drink chocolate milk every day. If, after dinner, Lee wants a snack he eats it.....and I haven't minded. But now I'm sick. Someone please bring in the straight jacket!!!!!!!!!


me said...

Oh. I am sorry. You are amazing... you can have a pity party all day long, but I don't think very many people would come, because of lack of sugary food... but pity party yourself all you want. you deserve it.