Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jacob's Best Friend

Jacob and Adam have both been sick lately. Adam has not been sleeping well due to congestion and Jacob has been extremely crabby. I always imagined that when my children got sick it would be a cuddle fest full of tender moments. much for that. But I was pleasantly surprised by our conversation this morning.

We had a Family Home Evening lesson about Easter this week. We wanted to explain to Jacob that Easter wasn't only about the Easter Bunny. I wasn't sure he really got it. I mean, how do you explain resurrection to a 3 year old...who doesn't even know about death. This morning I found a board book about Easter and we read it together. He showed it to Lee when he came home for lunch and pointed out the pictures of Jesus. Then he said, "That's my best friend! He's coming my house!" I'm not sure where he got that but it was so sweet. Jacob has lots of best friends. It seems to be how he identifies someone he loves. I'm glad that Jesus is one of them :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Be sure to pay attention to the end of this video. Watching it now, it's kind of funny...but at the time I was quite upset. I don't want to encourage my children to throw things at each other. So, Jacob went to time out and lost his little guys for the remainder of the day. When he got them back he assured me that he had learned his lesson. We'll see.

Catch Up

There are a multitude of reasons that I haven't posted lately, and I fully intend to write about them. But in the interest of time (the fact that I don't have much) I'm just going to play a quick game of catch-up.

Monny came to stay this weekend and Jacob got a table so he could feed his hunger for art. He loves to paint and do crafts and I love my new kitchen he got a table of his own. We'll call this one The Master at Work.

Adam is getting around very well. Not really crawling yet....rocking, rolling and army crawling. I am so amazed at the difference in my two boys.

These are my handsome men. Jacob LOVES his tie. He insists on wearing it whether it matches what he has on or not. He wants to be just like his Daddy :)
I kept finding these guys around the house like this the other day. Jacob told me they were best friends. I thought it was adorable.
This is a picture that Lee took. He just decided to pick up the camera one afternoon and voila! I think they are best friends too.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Random Thoughts

Is it just my 3 year old or do they all repeat themselves....alot. I sent Jacob to his room yesterday because he kept telling me over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over to "clean that mess up!" Maybe he is just repeating me. Because I have to tell him over and over, etc. to do things. I was so tired of telling him that, "No, I was not going to go rake the leaves that were gathered around the patio table," that I just sent him to his room. He really is me. He sure is a cutie, though. He keeps telling me that he's going to get big like Daddy. Today, we were looking at his baby pictures and he was telling me, "Look, my finger's in my mouth!" When did he start talking?? Right now, the door is open so he can play outside while Adam naps. What will I do when it gets too hot to keep the door open?

Sunday, March 14, 2010


At Jacob's 3 year well-check I was questioned about his ability to draw. I was quite surprised to find that he "should be" drawing stick figures...or pretty close to drawing them. I had only seen him scribble and draw circles. So we came home and started working on smiley faces. This was about 1 month ago. He had been attempting to draw people, but it really took a skilled eye to see what he was doing. Then he showed me this tonight. "A ghost, Mama, a ghost!" he exclaimed. I asked Lee if he had helped him and he said that he hadn't. I am sooooo proud. This ghost even has arms!!!! And a smile!!!! Unfortunately it was drawn on the magna doodle, so I will not be able to keep it forever....hence the picture. Now I have to wonder where he's seen a ghost. At least it seems to have been a happy ghost!

Jacob modeling a new pair of p.j.'s

Adam, from Daddy's point of view-
Adam has been keeping me very happy these days. 8 hours and 45 minutes between feedings last night!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hot Tots

I have some good looking men in my life, huh??

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Win for Mama!!

This was what was going through my mind this morning at 6ish, when I realized that Adam had gone all night without a feeding! Sure, he cried out a couple of times, but thankfully Lee took too long to get up and change his diaper so he went back to sleep. Now, we are just praying he does the same tonight because Lee has an advancement exam tomorrow morning :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Win Some, Lose Some

It's official. I am the worst mother in the world. I have absolutely ZERO patience for potty training! I've decided that potty training is my own personal hell. Jacob was in big boy undies all day...his choice. I thought he had made it to the potty a couple of times...but I would find the puddles later....WITH MY BARE FEET! I've stepped in/cleaned up more pee in this one day, than I did in all the years that I owned a cat...(and a gerbil for a short time.) He either won't or can't remember to go to the potty. He just stands there and pees his pants and watches it drip on the floor! Then he says, "I poo poo!" Aaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! He even peed on one of our side tables. This must be pay back for judging other kids potty training abilities. (This was before I had any of my own.) You know, back when I knew it all. Is there anyone out there with wisdom for my situation? Please, only give advice if you have children of your own and have fought and won the potty training battle. Help me before I permanently scar my child into NEVER using the potty again!

On a Roll

Adam likes to stay awake after his middle-of-the-night feeding. It has been the case that he gets stuck on his back then crys for someone to come in and put him on his tummy so he can go back to sleep. Last night I watched him play in his crib for a while...rolling around and talking to his self and such. A little bit later I woke up and saw that he was asleep...on his tummy!! Can you hear the Hallelujah chorus?? He flipped on his own!! He flipped ON HIS OWN!!!

This morning while the kids and I were playing on the floor Adam rolled...then rolled...then rolled...then rolled....until he was on the other side of the room! I don't recall Jacob ever doing that. It was cute :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Step in the Right Direction

Adam is 5 months old today. He can finally roll from his back to his stomach, but he only does it when he's happy. Jacob put on big boy undies tonight and went to the potty once. I can honestly say that life is pretty good right now.
Jacob shares Pooh Bear with Adam. He really loves his brother. I have to remind him NOT to share his small toys with him. I know this dynamic will change when Adam starts taking
Jacob's toys...but I'm enjoying the present.
Adam is grateful to hold Jacob's most prized posession.
This is the pipe cleaner farm animal kit that Jacob and I (I) put together a few days ago. With the exception of the sheep and the stallion that looks like a camel, it turned out pretty well. Jacob enjoyed playing with the animals for a few minutes...but I just can't throw it away for some reason. Anyone need pipe cleaner animals??

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Welcome to Bullseye, the newest member of our family!