Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Win Some, Lose Some

It's official. I am the worst mother in the world. I have absolutely ZERO patience for potty training! I've decided that potty training is my own personal hell. Jacob was in big boy undies all day...his choice. I thought he had made it to the potty a couple of times...but I would find the puddles later....WITH MY BARE FEET! I've stepped in/cleaned up more pee in this one day, than I did in all the years that I owned a cat...(and a gerbil for a short time.) He either won't or can't remember to go to the potty. He just stands there and pees his pants and watches it drip on the floor! Then he says, "I poo poo!" Aaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! He even peed on one of our side tables. This must be pay back for judging other kids potty training abilities. (This was before I had any of my own.) You know, back when I knew it all. Is there anyone out there with wisdom for my situation? Please, only give advice if you have children of your own and have fought and won the potty training battle. Help me before I permanently scar my child into NEVER using the potty again!


Stephanie said...

The hardest part about potty training is the job that you have. Not the cleaning up of the messes, but the fact that you have to watch him like a hawk. The method that I used required no outside distraction for at least a couple of hours. No TV, no movies. You have to be right there with him the whole time filling him with drinks and food to make him have to go potty often, The more practice the better. It worked really well. I didn't discover it until after my failed (wanting to rip my hair out) attempts with Lizzy. I used it with Karlee and I only had to have less than 2 hours with her. There can still be accidents especially if they get really distracted while watching TV or don't want to stop playing, but it works so much faster. The book was called "Potty Training in Less Than a Day"
It took a little longer with Jordan than with Karlee, but let's face it Jordan is a little more stubborn, besides every kids is VERY different.

Good Luck! Go check it out from your library! (I got mine at a used book store in Denton!)

me said...

Put him back in pull-ups or diapers. It isn't worth it right now for either of you. He WILL potty-train.... when he is ready.

Christina said...

I am laughing so hard that I have tears in my eyes. That's only because I totally understand. Rees peed all over our leather couch and didn't even care. I was so pissed (pardon the pun)!! I'm so frustrated that I'm just taking a break for now. I'll try again when he's five.

your brother said...

I pee on our table daily and I'm 33 years old.