Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Step in the Right Direction

Adam is 5 months old today. He can finally roll from his back to his stomach, but he only does it when he's happy. Jacob put on big boy undies tonight and went to the potty once. I can honestly say that life is pretty good right now.
Jacob shares Pooh Bear with Adam. He really loves his brother. I have to remind him NOT to share his small toys with him. I know this dynamic will change when Adam starts taking
Jacob's toys...but I'm enjoying the present.
Adam is grateful to hold Jacob's most prized posession.
This is the pipe cleaner farm animal kit that Jacob and I (I) put together a few days ago. With the exception of the sheep and the stallion that looks like a camel, it turned out pretty well. Jacob enjoyed playing with the animals for a few minutes...but I just can't throw it away for some reason. Anyone need pipe cleaner animals??