Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jacob's Best Friend

Jacob and Adam have both been sick lately. Adam has not been sleeping well due to congestion and Jacob has been extremely crabby. I always imagined that when my children got sick it would be a cuddle fest full of tender moments. much for that. But I was pleasantly surprised by our conversation this morning.

We had a Family Home Evening lesson about Easter this week. We wanted to explain to Jacob that Easter wasn't only about the Easter Bunny. I wasn't sure he really got it. I mean, how do you explain resurrection to a 3 year old...who doesn't even know about death. This morning I found a board book about Easter and we read it together. He showed it to Lee when he came home for lunch and pointed out the pictures of Jesus. Then he said, "That's my best friend! He's coming my house!" I'm not sure where he got that but it was so sweet. Jacob has lots of best friends. It seems to be how he identifies someone he loves. I'm glad that Jesus is one of them :)