Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Potty Progress

For some reason the other day, I decided that it was time to get Jacob his own potty. Lee and I took him to the store and let him pick out his very own potty. When we got home I pulled Jacob's pants off and set him on the potty. I showed him how it was done and before I knew it out came his pee pee and poo poo! It was sooooooooooo exciting. Of course, I just happened to put him on at a good time. I believe that was Monday. Yesterday we were gone most of the day, so I only got a few chances to put him on the potty and nothing. Today I put him on the potty every once in a while throughout the day. After sitting for a little while this afternoon he got up and ran into the kitchen and put his pee pee in the kitchen floor:) Then he started cleaning it up! I wasn't sure whether to laugh or instantly sanitize his hands! I chose was easier. Then we went back to the bathroom and washed his hands. I told him that I was glad he got his pee pee out, but that next time he should put it in the potty. Tonight I sat him on the potty before bed and he put his pee pee IN THE POTTY!!!! I'm so proud.


Stephanie said...

Way to go Jacob! Yeah's a great feeling when the diaper costs go away!!!!!

Unknown said...

i want one of those. Do they have one in my size?