Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Night Silliness

I started to title this post Friday Night Fun...then I realized that today is Saturday. Motherhood is really taking it's toll on me. Lee has been working for the last two days, so I have tried to keep Jacob extra busy. Tonight I decided that it would be a good idea to make cookies for Lee. I knew Jacob would love "cooking" because he loves playing with pots, pans, bowls and spoons. He is always anxious to help. I think most people know that I am sort of a neat/control freak, so this was a huge step for me....letting a 21 month old play with flour, sugar, etc?!! We both had lots of fun! As you can see from the video, it took a lot of restraint on my part. I am learning to let go a little. Jacob and I are both learning patience with each other.

Jacob discovered the Peanut Butter Crunch on the counter and decided that it would be a perfect addition to the recipe. He also kept eating it out of the bowl...along with the cookie dough.

When it was time for clean up I was amazed at how little mess there was. Although I did find some dirty silverware that was put back in the drawer! I felt like CSI Catherine Willows, taking pictures of the crime scene!

Then, all hopped up on sugar, I somehow got him to take a bath and got him into his p.j.'s. But the silliness continued with the hat. He is very into shoes and hats these days. I took about 6 pictures of him in the hat and the entire time I was conducting this "photo shoot" he was saying, "CHEESE!" He is such a ham!

Here is a photo of the fruits of our labor. Also a shot of the sheet of cookies with the three that had peanut butter crunch in them. It ruined every cookie on the sheet! They didn't cook at all, and looked like they were floating in oil! I know not to put peanut butter crunch in the chocolate chip cookies anymore! In fact, I'm not sure if I'll even eat peanut butter crunch anymore:(


me said...

You really need to come for a visit! My boys are ALWAYS a mess! There is always painting, cooking, digging (mostly in dirt, occasionally in the toilet) coloring... Jacob would love it. You just need another little boy for him to get messy with!