Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Toddler Trickery

I often feel like I am hovering over little Jacob. But then I think to myself, "He's not even two, you can't exactly leave him all alone." I often wondered how other children got into such mischief when there mother's were home with them..(Yes, Carrie, your boys come to mind:) ) I leave Jacob alone much more often these days, allowing him to play by himself and not thinking twice about him running into another room while Lee and I are trying to have an adult conversation. Imagine my surprise when he came into the bedroom with the last piece of left over pizza last Friday! Granted, this isn't a bad thing per se, but I had no idea he was capable of reaching where this pizza was. I don't even think he was hungry...it was bedtime. We were so tickled at his little trick that we let him stay up until he finished his pizza. I wonder if this is the beginning of his mischievious days!?

The shoes are his favorite. Every time he sees them he tries desperately to put them on. Maybe he associates them with going to church and being in nursery with his friends.

P.S. Grandparents: he is not in "time out". He just chose to eat his pizza in the chair!


me said...

It's starting... is he in a shoe stage? Him and Maddox would be very best friends. Maddox is obsessed with shoes. Oh gosh! They would burn down the house. Maybe it is good you moved- for their protection!

me said...

PS- Are you accusing me of not hovering over my kids enough. I will tell you when they get into trouble- it is when I go to the bathroom or when I get a phone call. They know... they know.