Monday, November 10, 2008

Toddler Talk

Jacob is really coming along with his words. He can now be heard running through the house yelling Mommy or Momma and a very clear DaDa as well. Sometimes it's Du. In fact, this morning he had woken up and finished playing in the bed by himself, so he sat on the side of the bed and yelled, "Momma, Momma, Momma" emphasizing the second syllable, until I came in to get him. "How did you know what he was doing?" you might ask. I have a video monitor. Today when we were playing at the playground I would chase him and say, "I'm gonna get you!" Then he started saying, "Git you!" It was hilarious. He is also trying to count, but seems to favor two...which is pronounced "t you wa" (very long and drawn out, like we do when we are counting for children). Sometimes he says one, "un". He is also getting better with his sign language. "More, please and thank you" are the signs he knows and can use in the correct context. He is a blessing and a joy!


Stephanie said...

How cute! Isn't sign language great!?!?! Jacob is so cute! One of Lizzy's first words were "see ou" It took us a while to figure out what she was saying. She was saying "I see you" in the same high pitched voice that I used when she would hide. It was so fun!

me said...

so cute. again, him and maddox would be best buds because maddox likes 5. so they could yell 2 and 5 back to each other. we need you here! so sad.