Saturday, February 27, 2010

For Aunt Jessie Lou

It has once again been brought to my attention that I'm a little too slow getting pictures posted :) Here's a little catch up from the last month.
Jacob and Monny making Jacob's third birthday cake.

Looks like Jacob did a good job decorating his cake. We added the Little People before we brought it out to him.

Jacob at his birthday party. He has on his cowboy boots and a belt that Monny fashioned for him. And in his hand....a magic wand!

Adam likes to sit in the walker and is becoming interested in eating the toys.

(date on picture obviously wrong)

Adam loves his black and white sheep.

We went to Alabama to visit with Nana and Papa. While we were there we went to DeSoto Caverns. It was so beautiful and Jacob was excited to wear his miner's hat. I'll have to post a picture of that.

Jacob and the indian. He is wearing Aunt Shelby's old jacket....very old (she's 16). We were not equipped for the cold weather.

Jacob and Adam waiting to enter the cave. Adam is wearing a hat I found stuffed in the diaper bag that is a pinch too small!