Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Silly Mama

We've just arrived home from getting Jacob's hair cut. He has collapsed in the recliner with blue sucker in hand and a blue mouth to boot. I stick my head out the door to grab the mail. When I look back in the living room I notice that Jacob is no longer holding his sucker.

Me: Jacob, did you throw your sucker away?
Jacob: No.
M: Where is your sucker?
J: Oh, there it is!! (on the floor)

I start going through the mail and discover that we have a red movie (a movie from Netflix). I open it up and am excited to see "The Jungle Book". Jacob LOVES reading 'The Jungle Book', but has never seen the movie.

M: Jacob, look what we have.....The Jungle Book.
J: Jungle Book?
M: Yes, The Jungle Book...would you like to watch it?
J: Yeah!

I put the movie in and as I'm navigating my way to the start menu Jacob informs me of my folly.

J: Not Jungle Book, Mama, not Jungle Book!!!...............Jungle MOVIE.

Of course, how could I be so silly. It isn't a book, it's a movie!!!