Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday Highlights

I had to go to medical today for my swollen eyelid. I had both kids with me, so when it came time to lay back on the table for the nurse practitioner to look in my eye, she had to find someone to hold Adam. So a Sailor comes in to hold him. The guy starts making small talk with Adam.

Sailor: Hey, what's your name?
Me: Adam
Sailor (obviously not thinking about what he is saying): Did you bring us some lunch? Huh? Did you bring us some lunch?
Me: Yes, but you can't have any.

Jacob has such an imagination. Tonight at dinner....

Jacob (speaking for his french fry): Oh no! It's Jacob
another fry: It's Jacob??
Jacob : Oh no!! He's going to eat me!!!

Then he eats the defenseless french fry.

In the bath........on his belly......

Jacob: I'm a boat. There are people on my back.

We went to Hobby Lobby today. I had Adam in the stroller and Jacob was walking. I did it this way b/c it's easier to push the stroller and I was only picking up one thing. But you know how that goes. I ended up with a handful of things in one hand and was using the other hand to push the stroller (assisted by the hip). Jacob was following me and carrying a coloring book. I got in line at the register and turned around to say something to Jacob but he wasn't there. I thought maybe he had come around in front of me just as I turned around so I turned in a circle, but still no Jacob. In that moment my life flashed before my eyes, and I could feel my heart drop into my nauseated stomach. Then, as calmly as I could, I called (screamed) out his name. A woman said to me, "Is he carrying a coloring book?" "Yes, yes, yes." I replied. Then she said, "There he is." I guess he was looking at his book instead of watching me. When I turned to get in line, he just kept on walking. I think I should have him micro-chipped :)


Christina said...

I lost Rees in Target once. The worst day of my life. I was in tears by the time he showed up in the produce section. Never again.

Any, by the way, Jacob's imagination is awesome.