Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where did we come from?

I often write about the silly things in my life...because they're funny. But today, Jacob reminded me of a simple truth that can be easily forgotten in the chaos of day to day life. Jacob has asked us several times now, "Where did Adam come from?" To which we reply, "Heaven." This morning while we were getting ready for church this was our conversation:

J: Where did Adam come from?
M: Heaven.
J: Where did I come from?
M: Heaven.
J: Where did Daddy come from?
M: Heaven.
J: Where did you come from?
M: Heaven.
J: Where did Manny and Pa come from?
M: Heaven.
J: Where did Nana and Papa come from?
M: Heaven. We all came from Heaven, Jacob. We are here for a short time but we are trying to get back home and live with our Heavenly Father.
J: Oh.

I'm grateful to be Jacob's mother and have him to remind me of what's really important.


me said...

love it katie.