Thursday, August 27, 2009


Our neighbors have a small dog, that I'm assuming is full grown, since they've had it for months and it's about the same size. Today, the dog discovered that he can fit through the privacy fence between our patios. This was a dream come true for Jacob. I would put the dog back in their yard and he would immediately come back through the fence. At some point during the day he returned home, but I see that he has returned this evening. Jacob is crying and crying to go outside and play with the dog. I guess the dog had fun with him earlier since he has come back.

One of the perks of NOT having a dog, is not having to worry about stepping in dog poo when you're outside. I enjoy not having to ever think about this. Now, I have to think about this. Something must be done.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Well, today was just beautiful!!! It was in the 80's and partly cloudy. Jacob was VERY excited that his big pregnant Mommy took him outside today!! I'm surprised he isn't as white as a ghost :)

Since it was so beautiful I decided to do the pre-washing of my cloth diapers. Step 1 : Success!! But this isn't the challenging part, huh?

Lucky for me, my Dad is the handiest guy in the world, and figured out how to hang me a clothesline without breaking any of the community's guidelines!!
Also lucky for me, the diapers dried very quickly. In fact, the shells were practically dry right out of the washer. They are the only part of the diaper that is absolutely line dry. Apparently the inserts can be put in the dryer, but it didn't really take that long for them to line dry. Since these diapers have to last for several years, I'm going to line dry as much as possible just to be on the safe side!
Again, lucky for me, I had a great helper. He walked over and touched the diapers every once in a while to see if they were dry yet. I asked him if he wanted to wear one and he said, "No."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old

This morning, after breakfast, Jacob found a hat that he said was his cowboy hat. It was not a cowboy hat, although he'd love to have one. He was wearing said hat and riding his stick horse....actually it's my stick horse but that's another story. So, I went to grab the camera hoping to catch this moment. Unfortunately he did not want to cooperate. Let's just say by the end of this conversation I was telling him that I would buy him a camera. He's always pretending things are cameras and I thought he might like to have a little camera when his baby brother gets here anyway.

Later in the day, we were coloring. He asks me to draw Daddy, so I draw a stick Daddy. He asks me to draw Mama, so I draw a stick Mama...with a huge empty belly. He asks me to draw Jacob, so I draw a stick Jacob. Then I ask him who's missing and he replies, "Baby Adam." But it sounds like Baby A...Adam without the "dam". So I draw stick Baby Adam in stick Mama's belly. A moment later he draws this picture and tells me that he drew Baby Adam.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Jacob LOVES his Pooby!! They are the best of friends. One of my biggest fears is that Pooby will go missing or be torn beyond repair. Jacob has been carrying Pooby around for about a year and a half. For the last year and a half, we have been in pursuit of an extra Pooby. Unfortunately Target didn't carry the old Pooby anymore...they opted for a newer Pooby. I caught a break while shopping at Big Lots one day and saw that they were carrying the old line of Disney characters, just like Jacob's. But to my dismay, there were no Pooby's left. But I picked up a Tigger for 2 bucks!!

Tonight, after I put Jacob and Pooby to bed, I felt like I should search the internet in one last futile attempt to locate a Pooby. Imagine my surprise and JOY to find old Pooby, under a bold red heading of "coming soon" no other place than Target!!! I guess he is a very new product b/c he is not available to ship for another 2 to 4 weeks. And at the bargain price of $14.99...and comes with a fleece blanket!!!! I guess it's a good thing they (Target) didn't know how much I was willing to pay. What a steal!! I wanted to order two, but my better half said to wait :(

I think that some desperate mother called up the Target execs and demanded that they carry the old Pooby again!! If so, they should erect a statue in her honor :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jacob Clarifies

"You not a girl, you Mama!" I'm so glad he cleared this up for me. I was so confused!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adventures in Motherhood

Sometimes Jacob insists that Pooby get "cake" in the morning too. It's "Pooby cake, Pooby cake, Pooby cake, Pooby cake!" until something is done about it. Sometimes I can just put an empty plate in front of Pooby and that works. This morning I tried letting Pooby share cake with Jacob. And it worked!! It may not work tomorrow, but it got us through today! :) Jacob was saying, "Pooby, open your mouth." He cracks me up!

BEST FRIENDS! Both full of waffles!

Later in the day I received my cloth diapers in the mail!! Yes, I'm going to use cloth diapers this time. Environmentally conscious?? Well, let's just say I'm bank account conscious! I didn't want the extra cost each month of another in diapers and decided I would rather pay up front what I'd pay for about 6 months of disposables. And why not?? I'm at home, and there's no reason I can't wash diapers...I mean I have a washing machine, I don't need a scrub board :)
I will be sure to keep everyone updated on the success or failure of this venture.

I took a picture because they are so darn cute, and once I use them they will be covered in poop. Not so cute.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Poor Body

Jacob's great uncle Jim recently commented that it had been a while since I posted. So I am trying to provide him with plenty of reading material!!

Finding out I had gestational diabetes was fun. What's more fun is that 3 weeks later, my blood sugar is still not under control. What's more fun than that??, one might ask.

Today, after 5 hours in a waiting room with my 2 year old, I found out that I have a vitreal detachment in my left eye. It really sounds worse than it is. Basically the ooey gooey stuff in my eye is sloshing around b/c it came apart from the rest of my eye and it causes sparkle lights and floaters. It is in no way associated with the pregnancy or gestational just happened to occur at this time.

My body is falling apart.

It may take Jacob days to recover from our adventure today. Considering all the circumstances, he was FANTASTIC. But there was one scream he released in the waiting room that left all the older patients turning their hearing aids down. In my defense, I had no idea we were going to the Dr. today. I would never subject my child to such a wait on purpose. But apparently it was important enough to send me straight from the base time to find a babysitter and Lee had a gig.

I'm anxious to see what part of my body gives out tomorrow......I'll put money on my brain!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Part of my Job Description

Tonight, Lee and I were busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. Jacob had already climbed up in his seat and was eagerly awaiting his roll. He started calling out, "Mama, come get this boo--!" We couldn't understand the last of the word. So Lee went into the other room to see what he wanted. Lee said that he pointed his finger and said, "get this boo--!" Lee thought he was pointing at the bowl on the table and told him that we were going to be using it, so he couldn't move it. When Lee came back to the kitchen the call came again...several times, "MAMA, come get this boo--!" Lee went in again. "Oh" is all I heard Lee say. Then Lee comes back to the kitchen and says, "Mama, come get this boog." Jacob had a booger "boog" on the tip of his finger and was holding it out for Lee to take....not pointing at the bowl!! But I want to know why he kept calling for me to come get it.

Lee ended up collecting the boog.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Jacob and I were playing hide and seek this morning. As he hid his face in his little arms he started counting. He usually counts, "1,2,3,2,1,2" and so forth. I was very surprised to hear him count, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!" He's a genius!!!!