Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Poor Body

Jacob's great uncle Jim recently commented that it had been a while since I posted. So I am trying to provide him with plenty of reading material!!

Finding out I had gestational diabetes was fun. What's more fun is that 3 weeks later, my blood sugar is still not under control. What's more fun than that??, one might ask.

Today, after 5 hours in a waiting room with my 2 year old, I found out that I have a vitreal detachment in my left eye. It really sounds worse than it is. Basically the ooey gooey stuff in my eye is sloshing around b/c it came apart from the rest of my eye and it causes sparkle lights and floaters. It is in no way associated with the pregnancy or gestational just happened to occur at this time.

My body is falling apart.

It may take Jacob days to recover from our adventure today. Considering all the circumstances, he was FANTASTIC. But there was one scream he released in the waiting room that left all the older patients turning their hearing aids down. In my defense, I had no idea we were going to the Dr. today. I would never subject my child to such a wait on purpose. But apparently it was important enough to send me straight from the base time to find a babysitter and Lee had a gig.

I'm anxious to see what part of my body gives out tomorrow......I'll put money on my brain!!


me said...

Oh Katie! I am so sorry!

For some reason pregnancy also turns me into an 80 year old lady.

I am not kidding- Tennessee is very probable... perhaps we will reunite after all and I will help your poor withering body and bring you lots of sugar free goodies.

Stephanie said...

LOL Katie! You haven't lost your mind yet??? That's the first thing on me to go during pregnancy!:)

To answer the question that you asked on my blog comments...yes, we are still moving. We will be in FT Campbell in time for conference. Not to far from you I think!