Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cloth Diapers

Well, today was just beautiful!!! It was in the 80's and partly cloudy. Jacob was VERY excited that his big pregnant Mommy took him outside today!! I'm surprised he isn't as white as a ghost :)

Since it was so beautiful I decided to do the pre-washing of my cloth diapers. Step 1 : Success!! But this isn't the challenging part, huh?

Lucky for me, my Dad is the handiest guy in the world, and figured out how to hang me a clothesline without breaking any of the community's guidelines!!
Also lucky for me, the diapers dried very quickly. In fact, the shells were practically dry right out of the washer. They are the only part of the diaper that is absolutely line dry. Apparently the inserts can be put in the dryer, but it didn't really take that long for them to line dry. Since these diapers have to last for several years, I'm going to line dry as much as possible just to be on the safe side!
Again, lucky for me, I had a great helper. He walked over and touched the diapers every once in a while to see if they were dry yet. I asked him if he wanted to wear one and he said, "No."


me said...

Oh! How I love the sight of those cute cloth diapers. Just wait until they are actually on the baby! When did we become hippies? I keep asking myself this. When did I become a cloth-diapering, granola making, breast-feeding, homeschooling, stinky mom. Okay, the stinky part has more to do with exhaustion than an actual choice not to shower, but still.

The diapers are so cute. Let me know how you like the brand.