Thursday, August 13, 2009

Adventures in Motherhood

Sometimes Jacob insists that Pooby get "cake" in the morning too. It's "Pooby cake, Pooby cake, Pooby cake, Pooby cake!" until something is done about it. Sometimes I can just put an empty plate in front of Pooby and that works. This morning I tried letting Pooby share cake with Jacob. And it worked!! It may not work tomorrow, but it got us through today! :) Jacob was saying, "Pooby, open your mouth." He cracks me up!

BEST FRIENDS! Both full of waffles!

Later in the day I received my cloth diapers in the mail!! Yes, I'm going to use cloth diapers this time. Environmentally conscious?? Well, let's just say I'm bank account conscious! I didn't want the extra cost each month of another in diapers and decided I would rather pay up front what I'd pay for about 6 months of disposables. And why not?? I'm at home, and there's no reason I can't wash diapers...I mean I have a washing machine, I don't need a scrub board :)
I will be sure to keep everyone updated on the success or failure of this venture.

I took a picture because they are so darn cute, and once I use them they will be covered in poop. Not so cute.


me said...

Katie! I am going to do cloth too. Since I am breastfeeing Pax I am waiting until next week or so to make sure the beginning breastfeed baby explosions are really over. We are using gdiapers with cloth inserts and they are SO DANG cute! We did him in cloth one day and he pooped- not as gross as I thought. In fact, it wasn't a big deal at all.

Christina said...

Good for you Katie! I was actually wanting to use cloth on Rees, but since I was still working when he was little, that didn't happen. And then I pondered doing cloth with Brett, but alas...I am too tired chasing after Rees and taking care of a newborn to do it. But kudos to you! I'm so proud of you.