Thursday, August 20, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old

This morning, after breakfast, Jacob found a hat that he said was his cowboy hat. It was not a cowboy hat, although he'd love to have one. He was wearing said hat and riding his stick horse....actually it's my stick horse but that's another story. So, I went to grab the camera hoping to catch this moment. Unfortunately he did not want to cooperate. Let's just say by the end of this conversation I was telling him that I would buy him a camera. He's always pretending things are cameras and I thought he might like to have a little camera when his baby brother gets here anyway.

Later in the day, we were coloring. He asks me to draw Daddy, so I draw a stick Daddy. He asks me to draw Mama, so I draw a stick Mama...with a huge empty belly. He asks me to draw Jacob, so I draw a stick Jacob. Then I ask him who's missing and he replies, "Baby Adam." But it sounds like Baby A...Adam without the "dam". So I draw stick Baby Adam in stick Mama's belly. A moment later he draws this picture and tells me that he drew Baby Adam.